Student Profile: Sean Kraus

Student Profile Sean Kraus (Dusty Deming laboratory) Where are you from? Why Madison and the Cancer Biology program? I am from Hannibal, MO, but my entire family is from Minnesota. I applied to UW’s Cancer …

Student Profile: Donna Li

Student Profile: Donna Li (Miyamoto Lab) Where are you from? Why Madison and the Cancer Biology program? I am originally from East Los Angeles, California and chose to come to Madison to escape the yearly …

Seminar list for this week: April 25-29

Monday, April 25 3:00 PM          Biochemistry Colloquium:  Mechanisms of RNA localization transcend cell morphology; Speaker:  Matthew Taliaferro, University of Colorado. Join in person:  1211, HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.  Join virtually here:    3:30 PM          …