Student Profile Sean Kraus (Dusty Deming laboratory) Where are you from? Why Madison and the Cancer Biology program? I am from Hannibal, MO, but my entire family is from Minnesota. I applied to UW’s Cancer …
Student Profile: Donna Li
Student Profile: Donna Li (Miyamoto Lab) Where are you from? Why Madison and the Cancer Biology program? I am originally from East Los Angeles, California and chose to come to Madison to escape the yearly …
Seminar list for this week: April 25-29
Monday, April 25 3:00 PM Biochemistry Colloquium: Mechanisms of RNA localization transcend cell morphology; Speaker: Matthew Taliaferro, University of Colorado. Join in person: 1211, HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg. Join virtually here: 3:30 PM …
Professor Shannon Kenney receives prestigious Henle Award, recognizing impactful contributions to research on Epstein-Barr virus
Professor Shannon Kenney receives prestigious Henle Award, recognizing impactful contributions to research on Epstein-Barr virus. The McArdle Laboratory congratulates Professor Shannon Kenney on her selection to receive the 2022 Henle Award from the International Association …
Elaine Alarid nurtures the next generation of mentors
UW Carbone member Elaine Alarid, PhD, was featured in the latest issue of Quarterly, the magazine for alumni, friends, faculty and students of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. In this piece, she …
Night of Hope June Event – Paoli Mill Shops
Student Profile: Cristina Paz
Student Profile Cristina Paz (Kimple lab) Where are you from? Why Madison and the Cancer Biology program? I am from Chicago, IL. I chose the Cancer Biology program at UW-Madison because, as a 15- year …
Upcoming “Night of Hope” benefiting McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research
Night of Hope 2021 (Jan. 27th from 4-8 pm)
Kenney laboratory receives three federal grants in one year
Dr. Shannon Kenney Receiving three federal grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) within a year is nearly unheard of in the research world, but not for Dr. Shannon Kenney who was awarded two …