BC Golf Rally

It is always wonderful to meet individuals in our community who try to make a difference in our fight against cancer. Sonja Henriksen is just such a person. For 16 years she has organized the BC Golf Rally at the Foxboro Golf Club in Oregon, Wisconsin to raise funds for breast cancer research. Sonja visited us recently to present a check to McArdle. She organizes this event in honor of her mother-in-law, who died of breast cancer. This past year she asked Bill Markham, who has golfed in the event for years, to help with organizing the BC Golf Rally. Bill is the husband of long-time administrator in McArdle, Mary Jo Markham. Mary Jo currently oversees grant submissions for all faculty in McArdle. Sonja and Bill met with a number of faculty including Wei Xu, Elaine Alarid and Mike Gould – all of whom do research on breast cancer – as well as Bill Sugden, Mike Hoffmann, and myself, Paul Lambert, Director of McArdle. They all thanked Sonja and Bill for their incredible efforts over the years, which have benefitted the UWCCC and McArdle. We look forward to participating in next year’s event!

– Paul Lambert