Jane Churpek


600 Clinical Science Center


BS, 2000, Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MD, 2005, The Medical College of Wisconsin
Residency, 2008, Internal Medicine, The University of Chicago Medical Center
Fellowship, 2012, Hematology/Oncology, The University of Chicago Medical Center
MS, 2018, Public Health Sciences, The University of Chicago


Associate Professor of Medicine

Research Description

The Churpek lab is focused on defining the contribution of rare genetic variation to risk of blood disorders and cancer and how environmental factors interact with inherited genetic variation to contribute to penetrance and/or progression from the at risk state to overt disease. Specific projects include defining new rare genetic variants that cause inherited bone marrow failure and inherited blood cancer syndromes in families clustering these disorders; comparing acquired tumor genomic signatures across subjects with and without inherited mutations to identify differences in pathogenesis; and testing functional consequences of specific inherited variants in both in vitro and in vivo model systems to determine mechanism.

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