In 2015 we are celebrating McArdle’s 75th anniversary as one of the premier cancer research centers. This, together with our recent move to the new Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research complex next to the UW Hospital, provides a perfect time to launch new research and training initiatives that will extend our leadership role in cancer research and education into the future.
McArdle Alumni Advisory Board
We have recently formed a McArdle Alumni Advisory Board that will be an integral part of this new effort, giving us advice and support. We have reached out to about 30 alumni whom we believe represent the breadth and diversity of the >1500 graduate students and postdocs/scientists trained in McArdle over the last 75 years. Members of this advisory board all are highly successful alumni in academics, business and governmental organizations. They were active participants while at McArdle, have maintained contact with McArdle, and appreciate the positive effects of their training and time in Madison. These alumni are proud of their association with McArdle and have graciously agreed to help us improve our programs and be ambassadors for McArdle.
Stay Connect with McArdle
Stay connected to the McArdle and our community by following us on Twitter & Facebook, updating your contact information, submitting alumni success stories, and by receiving our e-newsletter.