Seminar list for this week: October 9-13

Monday, October 9, 2023

3:00 PM          Biochemistry Colloquium:  Allosteric mechanisms of transcriptional control in FXR; Speaker:  C. Denise Okafor, Assist. Prof. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & Chemistry, University of Penn State.

Join in person:  1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences

Join via stream:

 3:30 PM          McArdle Trainee Seminar:  HCMV entry and tegument protein pp71 localization; Speaker:  Esther Wisdom, PhD. (Advisor:  Rob Kalejta, PhD).

Join in person:  6571 WIMR II

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

12:00 PM        Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar:  Manufacturing virus-free CRISPR CAR Natural Killer Cells for GD2+ solid tumors; Speaker:  Keerthana Shankar, Grad student researcher (Saha Lab), UW-Madison.

Join in person:  DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Join via Zoom: (Passcode: 936743)

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

8:00 AM         Oncology Grand Rounds:  ASCO Updates Part 2: Melanoma & Thoracic; Speakers:  Vince Ma, MD, Assist. Prof. Dept. of Medicine, UW-Madison;  Toby Campbell, MD, MS, Prof. Dept. of Medicine, UW-Madison;  Andrea Axtell, MD, MPH, Assist. Prof. Dept. Surgery, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  1306 HSLC

Join via Zoom:  (Passcode: Grand)

11:00 AM       Cancer Biology Seminar:  Targeting Macrophages for Improved Anti-Tumor Therapy; Judith Varner, PhD, Prof. of Pathology and Medicine, UC San Diego.

Join in person:  1345 HSLC

Join via Zoom: (Passcode: 629651)

12:00 PM        Comparative Biomedical Sciences Student Seminar:  A Role for Myeloid Derived Growth Factor as a Neutrophil Suppressor, Speaker: Frannie Smith (Huttenlocher Lab), SMPH, Medical Microbiology & Immunology.

Join in person:  2255 School of Veterinary Medicine

3:30 PM          Genetics Colloquium:  Genetic insights into mRNA control in pain; Speaker:  Zachary Campbell, Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  1111 Genetics/Biotech

Join via Zoom:  

4:00 PM          Neuroscience Seminar:  Cranefield Lecture: Light Detection in the Eye, The Big Picture; Speaker:  King-Wai Yau, PhD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Join in person:  1335 HSLC

Thursday, October 12, 2023

9:00 AM         Pathology Seminar: Targeting the nervous system in the war against cancer; Speaker:  Alexander Birbrair, PhD, Dept. of Dermatology, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  1335 HSLC

 11:00 AM       Nutritional Sciences Seminar: Milk exosomes and their relevance in human nutrition and the delivery of therapeutics; Speaker:  Janos Zempleni, University of Nebraska.

Join in person:  290 Nutritional Sciences

 12:00 PM        Wisconsin Blood Cancer Research Institute Colloquium: N/A

 12:10 PM        Molecular Virology Seminar:  Curiouser and Curiouser: How HPV enters cells; Speaker:  Dan DiMaio, Prof. Genetics, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, and Therapeutic Radiology, Yale University.

Join in person:  1211 Biochemical Sciences

12:30 PM        Evolution Seminar:  Pollutants, Parasites, and You: Integrating an evolutionary perspective to

understand the effects of pollutants on disease outcomes; Speaker:  Jessica Hua, Assoc. Prof. Forest and Wildlife Ecology, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  1111 Genetics/Biotech

Join via Zoom:

Friday, October 13, 2023