Seminar list for this week: May 15-19

Monday, May 15, 2023

3:30 PM          McArdle Trainee Seminar:  Modeling high-risk blastemal and metastatic Wilms tumors by reprogramming WiT49 cells; Speaker:  Gui Ma, PhD (Xu lab).  The role of Mad1 in directing a-5 integrin trafficking; Speaker:  Daniel Sam (Advisor:  Beth Weaver, PhD).

Join in person:  6571 WIMR


 Tuesday, May 16, 2023

 10:00 AM       Absolute Q Digital PCR Showcase:  technical talks discussing the advantages of using Digital PCR in the lab.  (See announcement flyer for details and to register/RSVP)

Join in person:  Genetics/Biotech Auditorium

Register for Zoom:

RSVP for lunch and/or dPCR Workshop on May 31, June 1:


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

8:00 AM         Oncology Grand Rounds:  Unveiling the non-transcriptional roles of CBFB in breast cancer tumorigenesis and treatment; Speaker:  Jing Huang, PhD, Center for Cancer Research, NCI.

Join via Zoom:

11:00 AM       Cancer Biology Seminar:  Interferon, caspases, and TLRs:  how KSHV exploits the host’s own defenses to evade detection; Speaker:  Marta Gaglia, PhD, Associate Professor, Medical Microbiology, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  1335 HSLC

Join via Zoom:

4:15 PM          Microbial Mechanisms Forum:  Kiss and spit metabolomics highlights the role of host purine metabolism during pathogen infection; Speaker:  Gina Gallego (Knoll lab).

Join in person:  6201 Microbial Sciences

Join via Zoom:


Thursday, May 18, 2023

 9:00 AM         The V. Craig Jordan Distinguished Lecture in Translational Cancer Research:  Ushering in an era of genomics-guided precision pediatric cancer medicine; Speaker:  Elaine Mardis, PhD, Co-Executive Director, Genomic Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Join in person:  1325 HSLC

Join via Zoom:


Friday, May 19, 2023
