Seminar list for this week: May 1-5

Monday, May 1, 2023

12:00 PM        Precision Medicine Interest Group:  From human genetics to stem cell and blood cancer mechanisms and applications; Speaker:  Emery Bresnick, PhD, Director, UW-Madison Blood Cancer Research Program.

Join in person:  2798 WIMR West Wedge

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3:00 PM          Biochemistry Colloquium:  CANCELLED

 3:30 PM          McArdle Trainee Seminar:  Copanlisib enhances the effectiveness of anti-PD1 for colorectal cancer in vivo; Speaker:  Lexie Schmitz (Advisor:  Dustin Deming, MD).  The role of Polo-like kinase (PLK1) in mitotic transcription regulation; Speaker:  Zhouyuan Shen (Advisor:  Mark Burkard, MD, PhD).

Join in person:  6571 WIMR


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

 12:00 PM        Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar:  Muscle stem cells get a new look:  dynamic cellular projections as sensors of the stem cell niche; Speaker:  Dr. Robert Krauss, PhD, Mt. Sinai.

Join in person:  DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Join via Zoom:


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

8:00 AM         Oncology Grand Rounds:  None this week

11:00 AM       Cancer Biology Seminar:  Transcriptional regulation by nuclear phosphatases; Speaker:  Alessandro Gardini, PhD, Associate Professor, Wistar Institute.

Join in person:  1335 HSLC

Join via Zoom:

12:00 PM        Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Student Seminar (Path-Bio 930):  Utilizing a ‘diagnostic toolbox’ to solve encephalitis of unknown etiology in dogs; Speaker:  Olivia Patania (Bernard lab, SVM – Pathobiological Sciences).

Join in person:  2255 SVM

12:00 PM        Neuroscience Seminar:  None this week

4:00 PM          Statistics Seminar:  Can a regulatory risk measure induce profit-maximizing risk capital allocations?  The case of conditional tail expectation; Speaker:  Jianxi Su, Associate Professor, Purdue University.

Join in person:  133 SMI


Thursday, May 4, 2023

 8:00 AM         Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Grand Rounds:  Reconciling histologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular findings in endometrial cancer; Speaker:  Stephanie McGregor, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, UW-Madison.

Join via Zoom:

12:30 PM        Evolution Seminar:  Spatiotemporal genomic analyses and insights into pest evolution; Speaker:  Sean Schoville, Associate Professor, UW-Madison Entomology.

Join in person:  1360 Biotech/Genetics

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 1:30 PM          Genomics Seminar:  Advanced chromatin profiling methods for understanding development and disease; Speaker:  Michael Meers, PhD, Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis.

Join in person:  Biotech Center Auditorium

Join via Zoom:


Friday, May 5, 2023
