Monday, April 3, 2023
12:00 PM Precision Medicine Interest Group: Title: TBA; Speaker: Jomol Mathew, PhD, Chief of Biomedical Informatics; Associate Dean for Informatics and Information Technology for SMPH; Director of the UW Clinical & Health Informatics Institute.
Join in person: Room 2798 WIMR West Wedge
3:00 PM Biochemistry Colloquium: (Gene Yeo) **CANCELLED**
3:30 PM McArdle Trainee Seminar: Genomes of the autonomous parvovirus minute virus of mice induce replication stress through RPA exhaustion; Speaker: MegAnn Haubold (Advisor: Kinjal Majumder, PhD). Integrated single cell analysis of vulvar cancer; Speaker: Athena Golfinos (Advisor: Huy Dinh, PhD).
Join in person: 6571 WIMR
3:30 PM – 7:00 PM 25th Annual MSTP Symposium: Adventures in an academic medicine career: embracing the unknown unknowns. Invited Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ellen L. Burnham, MD, MSc, Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Join in person: DeLuca Forum, Discovery Building
For more information, contact: Nick Arp ( or Emma Graham Linck (
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
12:00 PM Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar: Pathogenic human variant that dislocates GATA2 zinc fingers disrupts hematopoietic gene expression and signaling networks; Speaker: Mabel Jung (Bresnick lab).
Join in person: DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery
Join via Zoom:
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM UW Carbone Cancer Center’s Annual Research Retreat: Intercepting Cancer Using Diagnostics and Therapeutics; Dr. Muhammed Murtaza and Dr. David Kosoff, Event Co-Chairs; HSLC Atrium.
For more information, see:
8:00 AM Oncology Grand Rounds: Improving LGBTQ+ patient experiences in cancer care and healthcare; Speakers: Andrew Petroll, MD, MS, Medical Director, Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin Inclusion Health Clinic; Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Wisconsin; Margaretta Gergen, DO, LGBTQ+ Fellow, Dept. of Family Medicine, SMPH, UW-Madison; and Muhammad Daud, MD, LGBTQ+ Fellow, Dept. of Family Medicine, SMPH, UW-Madison.
Join via Zoom:
11:00 AM Cancer Biology Seminar: Targeting the Achilles heel of killer pathogens; Speaker: Stefano Sarafianos, PhD, Professor, Dept of Pediatrics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Join in person: 1306 HSLC
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12:00 PM Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Student Seminar (Path-Bio 930): Old worms, new tricks: applications of single-cell biology to the filarial parasite Brugia malayi; Speaker: Clair Henthorn (Zamanian lab, SVM – Pathobiological Sciences).
Join in person: 2255 SVM
3:30 PM Genetics Colloquium: TBA; Speaker: Maura McGrail, Iowa State University.
Join in person: 1111 Genetics/Biotech
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4:00 PM Statistics Seminar: A nonstationary soft partitioned Gaussian process model; Speaker: Huiyan Sang, Professor, Dept of Statistics, Texas A&M University.
Join in person: 133 Service Memorial Institute
Thursday, April 6, 2023
8:00 AM Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Grand Rounds: Challenges in frozen section pathology of the head & neck; Speaker: Vincent Cracolici, MD, Staff Pathologist, Cleveland Clinic.
Join in person: 1325 HSLC
Join via Zoom:
12:10 PM Molecular Virology Seminar: Structural and biochemical analysis of SARS-CoV-2 nsp15 endoribonuclease activity; Speaker: Ena Tully (IMV, Robert Kirchdoerfer lab).
Join in person: 1211 Biochemical Sciences Bldg.
12:30 PM Evolution Seminar: The edge of domestication: searching for human fingerprints in yeast genomes; Speaker: Jassim Al-Oboudi, Grad Student, UW MDTP.
Join in person: 1111 Biotech/Genetics
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1:30 PM Genomics Seminar: Deciphering cis-regulatory code for development using interpretable deep learning; Speaker: Julia Zeitlinger, PhD, Investigator, Stowers Institute.
Join in person: Biotech Center Auditorium
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3:30 PM Biology Colloquium: CFL Kaeser Scholar Lecture: Fog and the maintenance of ecosystems: mist connections; Speaker: Kathleen Weathers.
Join in person: 168 Noland Hall
Friday, April 7, 2023
12:00 PM Medical Microbiology & Immunology Seminar: Bile salt hydrolases shape the intestinal bile acid landscape and restrict C. difficile; Speaker: Dr. Casey Theriot, Associate Professor, North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Join in person: 1520 MSB.
12:00 PM Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Seminar: TBA; Speaker: Hoifung Poon, Microsoft.
Join in person: UW Biotechnology Center Auditorium
Join via Zoom: