Seminar list for this week: March 27-31

Monday, March 27, 2023

3:00 PM     Biochemistry Colloquium:  Mechanism of insulin granule biogenesis; Speaker:  Julia von Blume, Yale.

Join in person:  1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.

Streamed here:

3:30 PM     McArdle Trainee Seminar:  Investigating potential therapeutic targets in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; Speaker:  Somak Chaudhuri (Advisor:  Dustin Deming, MD).  Determining the mechanism of HCMV circularization during infection; Speaker:  Justin Billy (Advisor:  Rob Kalejta, PhD).

Join in person:  6571 WIMR


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

12:00 PM    Neuroscience Seminar:  Cargo sorting during protein secretion; Speaker:  Julia von Blume, PhD, Yale University.

Join in person:  3571 WIMR

12:00 PM    Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar:  Germline stem cells, diet, and physiology in the Drosophila model; Guest Speaker:  Daniela Drummond-Barbosa, PhD, Professor of Genetics.

Join in person:  DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Join via Zoom:


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

8:00 AM     Oncology Grand Rounds:  Epigenetic regulation of cancer metastasis & immune evasion; Speaker:  Qin Yan, PhD, Professor of Pathology; Director, Center for Epigenetics and Biomarkers, Pathology; Scientific Co-Director, Center for Breast Cancer.

Join in person:  1306 HSLC

Join via Zoom:

11:00 AM    Cancer Biology Seminar:  Targeted radionuclide therapy to enhance the efficacy of CAR T cells against neuroblastoma; Speaker:  Quaovi Sodji, MD, PD, Clinical Instructor, Bentson Translational Research Fellow, Dept of Human Oncology, U W-Madison.

Join in person:  1335 HSLC

Join via Zoom:

11:00 AM    The Biology of Aging and Age-Related Diseases T32 Presentation:  Caloric restriction and aging:  a journey from calories to fasting; Speaker:  Rafael de Cabo, PhD, Branch Chief, Translational Gerontology Branch, NIA.

Join in person:  1345 HSLC

Join via Zoom:

12:00 PM    Neuroscience Seminar:  Investigating new roles for Nav1.1 in somatosensory signaling and behavior; Speaker:  Theanne Griffith, PhD, UC-Davis.

Join in person:  3571 WIMR

12:00 PM    Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Student Seminar (Path-Bio 930):  Yin Yang 1 and its polycomb group functions in T-cell development; Speaker:  Yinghua Wang (Pan lab, SVM – Medical Sciences).

Join in person:  2255 SVM

1:00 PM     Cell and Regenerative Biology Seminar:  Control of cardiac signal transduction and pathophysiology by protein palmitoylation; Speaker:  Dr. Matthew Brody, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan.

Join in person:  1345 HSLC.

3:30 PM     Genetics Colloquium:  TBA; Speaker:  Kat Hadjantonakis, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Join in person:  1111 Genetics/Biotech    

Join via Zoom:

4:00 PM     Statistics Seminar:  Variational inference via Wasserstein gradient flows; Speaker:  Philippe Rigolette, PhD, Professor, Mathematics, MIT.

Join in person:  133 Service Memorial Institute


Thursday, March 30, 2023

12:10 PM    Molecular Virology Seminar:  Imaging-based analysis of HIV-1 RNA splicing, translation, and packaging; Speaker:  Sydney Lesko (Nate Sherer lab).

Join in person:  1211 Biochemical Sciences Bldg.

12:30 PM    Evolution Seminar:  Using artificial life to study eco-evolutionary dynamics; Speaker:  Emily Dolson, Assistant Professor, Michigan State University.

Join in person:  1111 Biotech/Genetics

Join via Zoom:

3:30 PM     Biology Colloquium:  Phased, secondary siRNAs in reproduction and vegetative growth of grasses; Speaker:  Blake Meyers.

Join in person:  168 Noland Hall


Friday, March 31, 2023

12:00 PM    Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Seminar:  Using software logs to study electronic health record use in primary care; Speaker:  Adam Rule, PhD, Assistant Professor, Information School, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  UW Biotechnology Center Auditorium

Join via Zoom: