Monday, January 23, 2023
3:30 PM McArdle Trainee Seminar: “PD-1 blockade at the time of T cell activation enhances anti-tumor responses;” Speaker: Jena Moseman (McNeel lab).
Join in person: 6571 WIMR
5:30 PM Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium: Speaker: Benjamin Jealous, Former NAACP President.
Join in person: Shannon Hall, Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St.
Register here for online session:
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
12:00 PM Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar: “Regulation of fin regeneration by a neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel;” Speaker: Daniel Osorio Mendez, SCRMC Grad Trainee (Kang lab).
Join in person: DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery
Join via Zoom:
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
8:00 AM Oncology Grand Rounds: “ASH Updates: Part 2 – Leukemia and Transplant;” Speakers: Ryan Mattison, MD, Matt Brunner, MD, Kalyan Nadiminti, MD, and Zhubin Gahvari, MD, MS, Dept of Medicine, UW-Madison.
Join in person: 1306 HSLC
Join via Zoom:
11:00 AM Cancer Biology Seminar: “Exploiting the role of arginine methylation in DNA repair for therapeutic intervention;” Speaker: Clare Davis, PhD, BMedSc, University of Birmingham, England.
Join via Zoom:
Thursday, January 26, 2023
9:00 AM Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar: “Systems genetics uncovers microbe-host connections in the murine gut;” Speaker: Qijun Zhang, CMP Grad Student (Rey lab), UW-Madison.
Join in person: 1345 HSLC
11:00 AM Cancer MoonshotSM Seminar: “DOE-NCI Collaboration: MOSSAIC for advancing computational models for cancer research;” Speaker: Heidi Hanson, PhD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Register here:
Friday, January 27, 2023