Seminar list for this week: November 14-18

Monday, November 14, 2022 

3:00 PM          Biochemistry Colloquium:  N/A

3:30 PM          McArdle Trainee Seminar:  “MSCs and radiation-induced xerostomia;” Speaker:  Cristina Paz (Kimple lab).  “Defining the pro-viral function of stem-loop binding protein during human cytomegalovirus infection;” Speaker:  Kylee Morrison, PhD (Kalejta lab).

Join in person:  6571 WIMR 


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

12:00 PM        Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar:  “Identifying 3D cardiac nerve architecture during development, disease, and regeneration;” Speaker:  Rebecca Salamon (Grad student, Mahmoud’s lab).

Join in person:  DeLuca Forum, WID 

Join via Zoom: 

2:00 PM          Morgridge Metabolism Colloquium:  “Protective interorgan, intercellular, and intercompartmental metabolite shuttles in obesity;” Speaker:  Dr. Peter Crawford, Professor, University of Minnesota.

Join in person:  H.F. DeLuca Forum, Discovery Bldg, 330 N Orchard St 

To register and view more info: 


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

8:00 AM         Oncology Grand Rounds:  “Improving cancer care for sexual and gender minority people;” Speaker:  Dr. Elizabeth Cathcart-Rake, Assistant Professor, Division of Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.

VIRTUAL ONLY – Join via Zoom (link available at): 

9:00 AM         Comparative Biomedical Sciences PhD Dissertation Defense:  “Redefining axonal transport:  the surprising first steps of synaptic vesicle biogenesis and a role for synaptotagmin 17 in axon outgrowth;” Speaker:  Emma Watson Roberts (Mentor:  Dr. Edwin Chapman, CRB).

Join in person:  1306 HSLC 

Join via Zoom: 

10:00 AM       Comparative Biomedical Sciences PhD Dissertation Defense:  “Immunopathogenesis of non-tuberculous mycobacteria;” Speaker:  Mostafa Hanafy (Mentor:  Dr. Adel Talaat, SVM – Pathobiological Sciences).

Join in person:  101 Hanson Biomedical Sciences Bldg, 1656 Linden Dr 

Join via Zoom: 

11:00 AM       Cancer Biology Seminar:  “New approaches to molecular imaging of oxygen in cancer:  radiochemistry and surgical guidance;” Speaker:  Brian Pogue, PhD, Professor of Medical Physics; Department Chair; Director, Graduate Program, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  1335 HSLC 

Join via Zoom: 

12:00 PM        Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Student Seminar (Path-Bio 930):  “Nuclear receptors as regulators of Schwann cell myelination;” Speaker:  Raghu Ramesh (Svaren lab, SVM – Comparative Biosciences).

Join in person:  2255 SVM 

Join via Zoom: 

3:30 PM          Genetics Colloquium:  “Cell cycle re-entry in postmitotic tissues;” Speaker:  Laura Buttitta, Associate Professor, University of Michigan.

Join in person:  Gen/Biotech 1111 

Join via Zoom: 

4:00 PM          Statistics Seminar:  “Inference and learning in infinite dimensions:  insights from optimal transport;” Speaker:  Tengyuan Liang, Professor of Econometrics and Statistics, University of Chicago.

Join in person:  133 Service Memorial Institute 


Thursday, November 17, 2022

11:00 AM       Cancer MoonshotSM Seminar:  “Development of a visualization approach to enhance cancer moonshot data;” Speaker:  Zeynep Gümüş, PhD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai.

Register here: 

12:10 PM        Molecular Virology Seminar:  “Manipulating bromodomain protein Brd4 reveals divergent viral and cellular transcriptional signatures;” Speaker:  Prof. Gopal Iyer, Human Oncology.

Join in person:  1211 Biochemical Sciences. 

12:30 PM        Evolution Seminar:  “Comparison of genome scale hybridization detection methods;” Speaker:  Marianne Bjorner, Grad Student, Computer Sciences, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  Genetics/Biotech Auditorium (Room 1111) 

Join via Zoom: 

1:30 PM          UW Biotechnology Center Bio-Tech Talks:  “End to end short and long read NGS solutions from Twist Bioscience;” Speaker:  Tim Farinholt, Field Application Scientist, Twist Bioscience.

Join in person:  1111 UW Biotech Center, 425 Henry Mall 

Zoom Registration Link: 

3:30 PM          Biology Colloquium:  “Soft electrophilic phytochemicals – from the induction of tardigrade cryptobiosis to the resolution of inflammation; Speaker:  Lukasz Ciesla , University of Alabama.

Join in person:  B302 Birge Hall 


Friday, November 18, 2022

12:00 PM        Biostatistics & Medical Informatics Seminar:  “Title:  TBA;” Speaker:  Bret Hanlon, BMI, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  Genetics/Biotech Auditorium 

Join via Zoom: 

12:00 PM        MMI Seminar:  “Thanksgiving for Aspergillus:  tryptophan and lipids are a fungus’s best meal;” Speaker:  Breanne Steffan.

Join in person:  1420 MSB