Seminar list for this week: October 31-November 4

Monday, October 31, 2022

3:00 PM          Biochemistry Colloquium:  “Synthetic mechanobiology:  engineering how cells send and interpret force-based cues;” Speaker:  John Ngo, Boston University.

Join in person:  Room 1211, HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.

3:30 PM          McArdle Trainee Seminar:  “The role of PKCd, RIPK4, and IRF6 in the lytic reactivation of EBV-infected epithelial cells;” Speaker:  Stuart Fogarty (Advisor:  Shannon Kenney).  “Imaging-based analysis of HIV-1 RNA translation and dimerization;” Speaker:  Sydney Lesko (Advisor:  Nate Sherer).

Join in person:  6571 WIMR

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

12:00 PM        Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar:  “Pre-clinical science and academic clinical development of a living cell pharmaceutical – the mesenchymal stem/stromal cell paradigm;” Speaker:  Dr. Jacque Galipeau, Associate Dean for Therapeutics Development.

Join in person:  DeLuca Forum, WID

Join via Zoom:

2:30 PM          McArdle Dissertation Defense:  “MmuPV1-induced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma arises preferentially from Lgr5+ epithelial progenitor cells;” Speaker:  Ruben Moreno (Advisor:  Paul Lambert).

Join in person:  6571 WIMR

Join via Zoom:


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

8:00 AM         Oncology Grand Rounds:  “The time toxicity of cancer care;” Speaker:  Arjun Gupta, MD, Assistant Professor, Division of Hematology, Oncology, Transplantation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Join via Zoom:

11:00 AM       Cancer Biology Seminar:  “Arginine sensor CASTOR1 as a tumor suppressor in viral and nonviral cancers and in inflammation;” Speaker:  Shou-Jiang Gao, PhD, Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Univ. of Pittsburgh.

Join in person:  1335 HSLC

Join via Zoom:

12:00 PM        Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Student Seminar (Path-Bio 930):  “Precisely controlling SIV reservoirs in Rhesus macaques;” Speaker:  Lea Matschke (Reynolds lab, Pathobiological Sciences).

Join in person:  2255 SVM

Join via Zoom:

3:00 PM          RNA Collaborative Virtual Seminar:  Hosted by Harvard Medical School Initiative for RNA Medicine (HIRM)

“glycoRNAs: bridging the gap between glycobiology and RNA biology;” Speaker:  Ryan Flynn, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Boston, MA, USA.  “Viral RNA structures as regulators of gene expression and therapeutic targets;” Speaker:  Silvi Rouskin, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Moderator: Frank Slack, PhD, Shields Warren Mallinckrodt Professor, Department of Pathology; Director, HIRM, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA

Zoom Webinar Registration:

3:30 PM          Genetics Colloquium:  “Taking yeast experimental evolution out of the lab and into classrooms and breweries;” Speaker:  Maitreya Dunham, Professor of Genome Sciences, University of Washington.

Join in person:  Gen/Biotech 1111

Join via Zoom:

4:00 PM          Statistics Seminar:  “Learning interaction laws in particle- and agent-based systems;” Speaker:  Mauro Maggioni, Dept of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering.

Join in person:  133 SMI (Service Memorial Institute, 470 N. Charter St.)


Thursday, November 3, 2022

8:00 AM         Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Grand Rounds:  “Forensic fascinations and awesome autopsies:  attract or repel;” Speaker:  Charles Rohrer, MD, Chief Resident, Dept of P&LM, UW-Madison.

Join in person:  1335 HSLC

Join via Zoom:

12:10 PM        Molecular Virology Seminar:  “(Re)defining the roles of viruses in microbiomes;” Speaker:  Prof. Karthik Anantharaman, UW Bacteriology.

Join in person:  1211 Biochemical Sciences.

12:30 PM        Evolution Seminar:  “Toward an integrated understanding of the evolutionary ecology of colony phenotype in social insects:  insights from the humble bumble bee;” Speaker:  James Crall, Assistant Professor, UW-Madison Entomology.

Join in person:  Genetics/Biotech Auditorium (Room 1111)

Join via Zoom:

1:30 PM          Genomics Seminar:  “Dissecting associations of DNA G-quadruplex with epigenetic regulatory elements;” Speaker:  Jun Wan, PhD, Associate Professor, Medical & Molecular Genetics, Indiana University School of Medicine.

Join in person:  Biotechnology Center Auditorium, Room 1111

Join via Zoom:

3:30 PM          Biology Colloquium:  “Following the rules and breaking them:  simple principles that underlie phenotypic diversity;” Speaker:  Adam Roddy, Florida International University.

Join in person:  B302 Birge Hall

3:30 PM          2022 DeMets Lecture:  “Subgroup mortality results for Remdesivir in COVID-19:  real or the play of chance?;” Speaker:  Dr. Michael Proschan, Mathematical Statistician, Biostatistics Research Branch, NIH/NIAID.

Join in person:  1335 HSLC (reception to follow)

Join via Zoom:


Friday, November 4, 2022

12:00 PM        2022 DeMets Lecture:  “Data-driven monitoring of clinical trials in the COVID-19 era;” Speaker:  Dr. Michael Proschan, Mathematical Statistician, Biostatistics Research Branch, NIH/NIAID.

Join in person:  Genetics/Biotech Auditorium

Join via Zoom:

12:00 PM        MMI Seminar:  “Evolution of diversification with maintaining essential function(s) – lessons learned from the pilus antigenic variation system of Neisseria gonorrhoeae;” Speaker:  Hank Seifert, Northwestern University.

Join in person:  1420 MSB

12:00 PM        John D. Wiley Seminar:  “The impact of stress and environmental exposure on neurodevelopment and developmental disorders;” Speaker:  Moriah Thomason, PhD, New York University Grossman School of Medicine.

Join in person:  John D. Wiley Conference Center