Seminar listings this week: January 24-28, 2022

Monday, January 24

9:30 AM         Biomolecular Chemistry Faculty Candidate Seminar:  Maintaining chromosome fidelity:  novel mechanisms and perturbations; Speaker:  Dr. Jacob Herman, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Join via Zoom:

Join in person:  1211 Biochemical Sciences Bldg

3:00 PM         Biochemistry Colloquium:  Animating molecular mechanisms; Speaker:  Janet Iwasa, Univ of Utah (IPiB Student Invited Speaker).

Join in person:  1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg

3:30 PM         McArdle Trainee Seminar:  The regulation of the EBV protein LMP2A’s expression and its role in epithelial cells; Speaker:  Stuart Fogarty (Advisor:  Shannon Kenney).  GATA2-dependent innate immune machinery function in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells; Speaker:  Vu Le-Huy Tran (Advisor:  Emery Bresnick).

Join via Zoom: (PASSCODE:  374167)

Tuesday, January 25

12:00 PM      Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center Seminar:  Using human pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons to study the FMR1 gene and Fragile X Syndrome; Speaker:  Dr. Carissa L. Sirois, PhD, Postdoc Trainee (Zhao and Bhattacharyya labs), Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center.

Join via Zoom:  (PASSCODE:  936743)

Join in person:  DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Wednesday, January 26

8:00 AM         Oncology Grand Rounds:  None this week.

9:30 AM         Biomolecular Chemistry Faculty Candidate Seminar:  Spatiotemporal dynamics of transcription initiation in live cells at single-molecule resolution; Speaker:  Dr. Vu Nguyen, Johns Hopkins Univ.

Join via Zoom:

Join in person:  1211 Biochemical Sciences Bldg

10:30 AM      Cancer Biology Seminar:  The extracellular matrix and breast cancer:  a target for anti-cancer therapies; Speaker:  Suzanne Ponik, PhD, Asst Prof, Cell & Regen Biol, UW-Madison.

Join via Zoom:  PASSCODE:  631057

Thursday, January 27

9:00 AM         Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar:  Unexpected relationship of heterochromatin associated demethylases with RNA processing in pluripotency; Speaker:  Caleb Dillingham (Sridharan lab), Cellular and Molecular Pathology Student.

Join in person:  1345 Health Sciences Learning Center.

11:00 AM      Cancer Moonshot Seminar Series:  Generation of multi-epitope specific T cells for cancer therapy; Speaker:  Catherine Wu, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Register here:

Friday, January 28