Monday, December 6
3:00 PM Biochemistry Colloquium: “New insights into regulating energy metabolism in health and disease” Speaker: Alan Saltiel, UCSD.
Register to join via Zoom (pword: 126_colloq)
3:30 PM McArdle Trainee Seminar: “Investigating the role of HAPLN1 in multiple myeloma bone marrow homing” Speaker: Hae Yeun Chang (Advisor: Shigeki Miyamoto). “Endosome escape during HCMV latency” Speaker: Esther Wisdom (Advisor: Rob Kalejta).
Join via Zoom (Passcode: 374167)
Tuesday, December 7
12:00 PM Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar: “What can cell replacement strategies teach us about depression in Parkinson’s disease?” Speaker: Dr. Marina Emborg, MD, PhD, Senior Scientist, Wisconsin National Primate Research Center and Director, Preclinical Parkinson’s Research Program; Professor, Medical Physics.
Attend in person: DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery
Join via Zoom (Passcode: 936743)
Wednesday, December 8
8:00 AM Oncology Grand Rounds: “University of Wisconsin breast cancer epidemiology simulation model to inform policy and clinical decisions for effective breast cancer control” Speaker: Oguz Alagoz, MS, PhD, Professor, College of Engineering.
10:30 AM Cancer Biology Seminar: “Epstein-Barr Virus short stories 4 the holidays: DNA repair, genome silencing, viral replication” Speaker: Sumita Bhaduri-McIntosh, MD, PhD, Associate Professor and Chief, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Florida Department of Pediatrics, Gainesville, FL.
Join in person: 1335 HSLC
Join via Zoom (Passcode: 631057)
11:00 AM Microbial Transcription Seminar: “Rewiring the specificity of extracytoplasmic function sigma factors” Speaker: Horia Todor, UCSF. “The curious case of a commonly mutated, yet essential gene in the envelope stress response of Pseudomonas aeruginosa” Speaker: Boo Shan Tseng, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
12:00 PM Neuroscience Seminar: “Novel freely moving monkey framework for the study of naturalistic behaviors” Speaker: Dr. Byounghoon Kim, Neuroscience, UW-Madison.
Join via Zoom (Passcode: 791793)
3:30 PM Genetics Colloquium: “TBA” Speaker: Peter Scacheri, Genetics and Genome Sciences, Case Western Reserve University.
Attend in person: 1111 Gen/Biotech
4:00 PM Statistic Seminar: “Edgeworth expansions for network moments” Speaker: Yuan Zhang, Assistant Professor, Dept of Statistics, The Ohio State University.
Attend in person: 1310 Sterling Hall
Thursday, December 9
9:00 AM Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar: “Control of CNS inflammation by astrocytes” Speaker: Francisco Quintana, PhD, Professor of Neurology, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
12:10 PM Molecular Virology Seminar: “The ABCs of rhinovirus infections and asthma” Speaker: Jim Gern, Pediatrics, UW-Madison.
Attend in person: Room 1211 – Biochemical Sciences Building, 440 Henry Mall.
Friday, December 10