Seminars listings this week: Nov. 29 – Dec. 3, 2021

Monday, November 29

3:00 PM      Biochemistry Colloquium:  “Single particle Cryo-EM, and a story during the COVID-19 pandemic” Speaker:  Yifan Cheng, UCSF/HHMI Investigator.

Join in person:  Ebling Symposium Center, Microbial Sciences  

3:30 PM      McArdle Trainee Seminar:  “Investigating the expression of MCPyV T antigens in different cell types” Speaker:  Amanda Loke (Advisor:  Paul Lambert).  “Who’s in charge?  Determining the master regulator of EBV lytic replication” Speaker:  Ahmed Ali, PhD (Advisor:  Eric Johannsen).

Join via Zoom (Passcode:  374167) 

Tuesday, November 30

12:00 PM    Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar:  “Stem cells vs. immune cells:  the chicken vs. the egg” Speaker:  Dr. Stephen Badylak, DVM, PhD, MD, Professor of Surgery, Deputy Director, McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh.

Attend in person:  DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery 

Join via Zoom (Passcode:  936743) 

Wednesday, December 1

8:00 AM      Oncology Grand Rounds:  “DNA vaccines as T-cell activating agents to treat prostate cancer” Speaker:  Dr. Douglas McNeel, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, UW-Madison.

Join via Zoom 


10:30 AM    Cancer Biology Seminar:  No seminar scheduled 

12:00 PM    Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Student Seminar (PBS 930):  “Development of a one health-based vaccine for Nipah virus”  Speaker:  Emily Medina Magues (Osorio lab, Pathobiological Sciences).

Join via Zoom 

12:00 PM    Neuroscience Seminar:    “Shared neural circuitry of visually guided behavior and visual cognition” Speaker:  Tirin Moore, PhD, Stanford University/HHMI.

Join via Zoom 


1:00 PM      Cell and Regenerative Biology Seminar:  “Regulators of fibroblast fate and fibrosis” Speaker:  Jennifer Davis, PhD, Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Biology; Associate Professor of Lab Medicine & Pathology and Bioengineering; Associate Director of the Institute for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Attend in person:  1309 HSLC 

3:00 PM      RNA Collaborative Seminar:  “IMP-licating RNA binding proteins in intestinal tissue regeneration” Speaker:  Kathryn Hamilton, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania.  “Consequences of RNA-binding protein mutations in cancer” Speaker:  Peter Choi, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Hosted by: Penn RNA Group, University of Pennsylvania

Join via Zoom 

3:30 PM      Genetics Colloquium:   “Title:  TBA” Speaker:  Randall Tibbetts, Human Oncology, UW-Madison.

Attend in person:  1111 Gen/Biotech 

Access the livestream here 

4:00 PM      Statistic Seminar:  “Extension of differential topic analysis for microbiome data” Speaker:  Pratheepa Jeganathan, Dept of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University.

Attend in person:  1310 Sterling Hall 

Join via Zoom 

Thursday, December 2

12:10 PM    Molecular Virology Seminar:  “Title:  TBA” Speaker:  Aryel Clarke.

Attend in person:  Room 1211 – Biochemical Sciences Building, 440 Henry Mall. 

1:30 PM      Genomics Seminar:  “Drilling down on mechanisms for islet cell dysfunction in diabetes:  mining type 2 diabetes GWAS for gold” Speaker:  Anna Gloyn, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford.

Join via Zoom 

3:30 PM      Biology Colloquium:  “Conserving biodiversity:  a global view” Speaker:  Tanisha Williams, Bucknell University.

Join online  

Friday, December 3

12:00 PM    MMI Seminar:  “Therapeutic targeting of metabolism in autoimmunity” Speaker:  Laurence Morel, Professor, University of Florida.

Attend in person:  1520 MSB