Seminars listings this week: Nov. 22-26, 2021

Monday, November 22

9:00 AM      UW-Madison Proteomics Seminar:  “Mass spectrometric characterization of mouse brains and spheroids” Speaker:  Amanda Hummon, PhD, Professor, Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry, The Ohio State University.  “Multimodal glycan imaging MS approaches to glycoproteomics and diagnostics” Speaker:  Richard Drake, PhD, Professor, Dept of Cell & Molecular Pharmacology, Medical University of South Carolina.

Join via Zoom 

3:00 PM      Biochemistry Colloquium:  “Deciphering the molecular code of bacteriophage-host interactions by deep mutational scanning” Speaker:  Vatsan Raman, Dept of Biochemistry, UW-Madison.

Attend in person:  Ebling Symposium Center, MSB  

3:30 PM      McArdle Trainee Seminar:  “Evaluation of TLR-peptide conjugate to improve T cell anti-tumor immunity” Speaker:  Donghwan “Heron” Jeon (Advisor:  Douglas McNeel).  “Identifying rates and mechanisms of CIN that alter sensitivity to mitotic poisons” Speaker:  Amber Zhou (Advisor:  Beth Weaver).

Join via Zoom (Passcode:  374167) 

Tuesday, November 23

12:00 PM    Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Seminar:  “Physiologic medium to study human cell biology” Speaker:  Dr. Jason R. Cantor, PhD, Investigator, Morgridge Institute for Research; Assistant Professor, Dept of Biochemistry; Faculty Affiliate, Dept of Biomedical Engineering.

Attend in person:  DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery 

Join via Zoom (Passcode:  936743) 

Wednesday, November 24

8:00 AM      Oncology Grand Rounds:  No session; Division meeting.  


10:00 AM    Comparative Biomedical Sciences PhD Dissertation Defense:  “Inhibition of autophagy increases HNSCC sensitivity to cancer therapies” Speaker:  Yong-Syu Lee, Mentor:  Dr. Randy Kimple, SMPH – Human Oncology.

Attend in person:  5001A WIMR 

10:30 AM    Cancer Biology Seminar:  No seminar scheduled.

12:00 PM    Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Student Seminar (PBS 930):  “The role of extracellular vesicles in normothermic ex vivo liver perfusion” Speaker:  Stacey McMorrow (Al-Adra lab, Surgery).

Join via Zoom 

Thursday, November 25


Friday, November 26